The process of classification of data points according to their similarities is known as clustering or cluster analysis. This approach falls under the category of unsupervised learning, which emphasizes extracting information from unlabeled data instances. There are two types of clustering: Hard clustering and soft clustering. Hard clustering is when each data point is allocated to a single cluster, as seen in the widely use k-means technique. Soft clustering occurs when each data point may be connected with multiple clusters, as seen in Gaussian mixture models. There are a lot of techniques to apply clustering in machine learning, which differ from initial data set explorations to supervising the constant processes. You can apply it in exploratory data analysis with a fresh data set to expose underlying trends, patterns, and anomalies. Alternatively, you could own a larger data set, which must be divided into a number of smaller datasets or simplified via dimensionality reduction. In such instances, clustering may serve as a phase in pre-processing. It is firstly utilized for market segmentation, Market basket analysis, Social Network Analysis, Medical Imaging, Anomaly Detection, and to streamline tasks with extensive datasets. Clustering is especially helpful in creating visual representations of datasets to perceive emerging properties of the data, as well as density and link between clusters. Certain specific instances of clustering include the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, which reveals clusters of stars when their luminosity and temperature are graphed, gene sequencing that uncovers previously unseen genetics affinities and differences among species has resulted in revisions of taxonomies once based on physical traits, and the Big five personality model, which arose from grouping words describing personality into five categories. The HEXACO model employs 6 clusters rather than 5. Organizations look for multiple methods to comprehend the various kinds of traffic accessing their websites, especially distinguishing between spam and bot-generated traffic. Clustering is utilized to combine similar traits of traffic sources, subsequently forming clusters to categorize and distinguish the types of traffic. This facilitates more dependable traffic blocking while providing an enhanced understanding of driving traffic increase from preferred sources.